Daily Announcements
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Friday, January 24, 2025
Coffee with Kids - February 7th from 8:45-9:15 am at Richland #44 Elementary School. Its national "Send a card to a friend day." Guests should bring an address for a friend (or family member) and write a note to them. *Post Cards and postage will be provided!
Click here for this year's Elementary Music Programs
Jr/Sr High School
The Speech team is traveling to Northern Cass on Saturday, January 25, the bus leaves at 6:50 am.
There will be a parent/student meeting tonight, Friday, January 24 in the old commons at 5:00 pm.
High School students please add PTO Fun Night to your calendars: Friday, March 28! PTO is hopeful you'll volunteer at game stations again this year. A sign-up genius will be sent out in early March, so please save the date now so that you're available.
For this week’s Random Act of Kindness goal – Send an email to a teacher telling them how great they are.
Upcoming Games:
Tuesday, January 28 vs Maple River, 4:30 pm
Friday, January 24 vs Sargent County, JV - 5:30 pm, Varsity - 7:00 pm
Monday, January 27 @ Enderlin, JV - 5:30 pm, Varsity - 7:00 pm
Thursday, January 30 vs Oakes, JV - 5:30 pm, Varsity - 7:00 pm
Tuesday, January 28 vs Oakes, JV - 5:30 pm, Varsity - 7:00 pm
Music Parents - Tuesday, January 28 at 5:30 pm in the Music Room
Foundation - Wednesday, February 5 at 5:00 pm in the HS Board Room
School Board - Wednesday, February 12 at 5:30 pm
Dollars for Scholars - Wednesday, February 12 at 5:45 pm
Coltbackers - Wednesday, February 19 at 5:30 in the New Commons
PTO - Wednesday, February 19 @ 7:00 in the Old Commons
Job Openings - access to all job openings and more information is on our website.
Part-time custodian (elementary school)
Part-time custodian (Jr/Sr HS)
Substitute Teachers -
$130/day plus School Lunch
This Saturday at the high school: PTO 5/6 grade girls basketball tournament
Cheer on the Richland teams! The 5th graders play at 9am and the 6th graders play at 2:30. See the bracket here.
Volunteer! We still need some help to successfully host this tournament. Can you bring a pan of bars or some taco meat? We also still need some helpers to sell tickets and concessions and sweep the gym floors (kids are welcome to help with this one!). If you can help, please sign up here:
Screen printing services will be available all day at the tournament - and at the Friday night game. Bring your own clothing or Richland gear to personalize or shop for something new. Printing is done on-site so you'll go home with your items.
MOVIE NIGHT & PJ PARTY hosted by the Aber-Colfax BIO Girls Group
Date: Friday, January 31, 2025 | Doors open at 6PM, Movie starts at 6:30PM
Location: Richland Elementary Gym
Cost: Free will offering to support our local BIO Girls program
No Concessions will be served, but please feel free to bring your own treats. Wear your jammies, bring your blankets and stuffies and let's snuggle in for a fun evening together!
Movie will be announced on our local BIO Girls Facebook page.
All are welcome. Children MUST BE accompanied by an adult.
Thank you to Red River Communications and Kari Kleingartner for helping with the tech and tech setup for this event.
Registration for BIO Girls - Abercrombie-Colfax is open.
Program ages: girls in grades 2-6 who are willing to make the 12 week commitment to the program.
Weekly lessons consist of life-skills: relationship building, mental health awareness, confidence boosting, and physical activity.
Registration is first come, first serve.
Important Program Dates:
Start Date: 02/18/2025
Finale Date: 05/10/2025
End Date: 05/13/2025
Meeting Day/Time: Tuesdays from 5:30PM - 7:00PM
Where: Our Savior's Lutheran Church - ColfaxQuestions, contact: abercrombie.nd@biogirls.org
February Calendar raffle is back! Richland #44 Dollars for Scholars is selling tickets for the calendar raffle. $20 a ticket, over $1900.00 in cash prizes and if your name is drawn, it goes back in for more chances!
See a DFS member for tickets or we will direct you to students that are selling! Good luck!
Coltbackers is again offering Game Sponsorships for both the Girls and Boys Basketball Seasons at $50 per event. Sign up for your sponsorship here. This is your chance to honor your favorite athlete/team or promote your business. Sponsor details and a photo of the sponsored athlete or business logo will be printed in the program and shared on the big screen. It will also be posted on our Facebook page and announced before the event. All proceeds directly support Richland #44 Athletics. Limited home games and spots available. Questions - email Kendra.l.dockter@k12.nd.us
The Junior Class and Close Up members are seeking community donations of taco meat for the basketball season. If you're able to help, please sign up here.
Richland Career Fair will be on February 12th from 8:25-11:03. This is for businesses and/or Colleges to sign up to be a part of the fair and show off their career or college! If you are interested in being a part of the career fair, please fill out this Application Form.
The American Legion Auxiliary Girls State team is gearing up for the 2025 Flickertail Girls State Event to be held June 8-13, 2024, at UND in Grand Forks. It is an exciting six-day program with the young ladies learning about government, participating in community service projects, and forming lifelong friendships. To register or more information, visit the Girls State website at www.ndgirlsstate.org, email ndgirlsstate@gmail.com or see Mr. Davison.