Elementary Principal


Staci Schmitz

106 Broadway, PO Box 139

Abercrombie, ND 58001


Email Staci Schmitz

Richland #44 Mission & Vision

Mission Statement: Educating students to be responsible citizens and leaders.

Vision Statement: To empower and engage ALL to succeed in an inclusive, student-centered environment that promotes learning and growth. We will accomplish this by utilizing a standards-referenced curriculum that focuses on the overall development of academic skills, technology literacy, and life skills.

Richland #44 Belief Statement

Belief Statement: We believe in a safe and supportive environment that fosters relationships and high expectations for all students.

Safe and Supportive
We believe in a safe and supportive educational environment that will enhance our students’ opportunities to succeed.

We believe in building relationships among our school, community, staff, and students to enhance positive school culture.

We believe in high expectations that lead to a standard of excellence for all students.